Our physiotherapists provide skilled, best practice management of:
- Muscle & Joint pain
- Neck & Back problems
- Sports Injuries
- Whiplash
- Headaches
- Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
- Child/Adolescent growth related and sports injuries
- Work Related Injuries
- Vertigo / Dizziness / Balance problems
- Mobility and Falls Problems
They also provide expert:
- Dry needling (Western style acupuncture)
- Musculoskeletal Screening
- Exercise Prescription
- Orthotic Prescription
- Ergonomic and Posture advice
- Brace/Support advice and fitting
- Mobility Aid Prescription
- Falls Risk Assessments
In addition to our usual individual consultations, we also provide small group exercise classes (2-3 participants) under the guidance of one of our physiotherapists. These classes are targeted at improving your core strength, flexibility, balance and neuromuscular control. They can be used to either manage a pre-existing problem or prevent issues from developing. Each class runs for 30 minutes and individual or multi-session passes are available.
We provide a comprehensive home visit service, particularly for the elderly to address either acute or chronic issues to support their capacity to safely remain at home.